Saturday - 10.13.12

(1) Row 2000m

(2) 5 Rounds of "Weekend Abs"
     20x Situps holding 2x 53 lbs. KB to Chest
     15 Toes-To-Bar
     10x Situps holding 2x 53 lbs. KB to Chest
     5 Toes-To-Bar

Friday - 10.12.12 (Night Session)

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm smoked.  I don't plan on doing a workout tonight, but if you're feeling froggy, here's something for you to leap on.

(1) 10-8-6-4-2-2-4-6-8-10
     Clean and Jerk (Heavy)
     KB Swings (Heavy)
     Ball Slams
     Hand Release Pushups
     *This is a sprint workout.  If you're not sucking gas by the time you get to the first round of "2",
     you need to pick up the pace.

Friday - 10.12.12 (Day Session)

(1) EMOM for 15 Minutes
     6x Lunge Steps @185 lbs. in a Front Rack

(2) 7 Rounds
     7x Deadlift @225 lbs.
     14x Burpees
     21x Air Squats

(3) Optional
     Push Press 1-1-1-1-1
     Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1
     Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1
     Increase Weight on Each Rep

Thursday 10.11.12 (Night Session)

*This will be light.  We will be going heavy tomorrow.

(1) Row 6000m
     In 500m Intervals with 1 min rest in between.

(2)  20x Air Squats
      20x Box Jump-Overs
      20x hand Release Pushups
      20x KB Swings
      20x Hand Release Pushups
      20x Box Jump-Overs
      20x Air Squats

Thursday - 10.11.12 (Day Session)

(1) 10 Rounds
     5x Right Arm KB Snatch
     5x Burpees
     5x Left Arm KB Snatch
     5x Burpees
     *Try to rest only at the end of each round.  Sprint through each round.

(2) 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
     Sumo Deadlift High Pull @75 lbs.
     Thruster @75 lbs.
     *This is a grind, not for time.  Keep your form throughout.

Wednesday - 10.10.12 (Night Session)

(1) 5 Rounds
     10 Box Jumps
     20x Pushups
     30x Situps
     40x Air Squats
     2 min Rest between Rounds

Wednesday - 10.10.12 (Day Session)

(1) 7 Rounds
     9x Pistols
     6x Hand Release Pushups
     3x Thrusters @95 lbs.

(2) "Running From the Jerk"
     200m Run
     10x 65 lbs. Clean and Jerk
     200m Run
     8x 95 lbs. Clean and Jerk
     200m Run
     6x 115 lbs. Clean and Jerk
     200m Run
     4x 135 lbs. Clean and Jerk
     200m Run
     2x 155 lbs. Clean and Jerk
     200m Run
     1x 185 lbs. Clean and Jerk
     200m Run

Tuesday - 10.09.12 (Night Session)

(1) No Workout Tonight

Tuesday - 10.09.12 (Day Session)

(1) EMOM for 10 Minutes
     Barbell Complex (Heavy)
     Power Clean
     Front Squat
     Push Press from a Front Rack
     Back Squat
     Push Press from a Back Rack

(2) 3 Rounds
     Partner Workout - You Go I Go
     These numbers are totals.  Go until the total is done.
     1000m Row
     20 Burpees
     40 Goblet Squats
     60 KB Swings
     80 Box Jumps
     100 Situps
     Each Partner Sprints 200m

Monday - 10.08.12 (Night Session)

(1) 9 Rounds for time
     9 Goblet Squats (Heavy)
     9 Pushups
     9 Situps
     9 Lunges (per leg) Total of 18 per round
     9 Hand Release Pushups

Monday - 10.08.12 (Day Session)

(1) 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10
     Snatches @115 lbs.
     Bar Facing Burpees

(2) 10 Rounds
     10x Deadlift @155 lbs.
     10x Bench Press @75 lbs. DB's
     10x Front Squat @115 lbs.
     10x Box Jumps
     10x KB Swings @70 lbs.
     10x Squat Clean @115 lbs.


Apologies, I have been having issues with accessing the website.  The problem has been corrected and workouts will be posted in normal succession.

Thursday - 10.04.12 (Day Session)

(1) 9-7-5-3-1-1-3-5-7-9
     Clean & Jerk @155 lbs.
     KB Swings @70 lbs.
     Front Squat @155 lbs.

(2) Group Workout
     15 Rounds
     4x Burpees
     4x Box Jumps
     4x Deadlift @225 lbs.
     Suicide Sprint

     *Next person starts as soon as you get to the sprints.  Your rest is determined by how many people
     you have.  If you only have two people, cut it down to 10 Rounds.

Wanted to, but didn't.


Wednesday - 10.03.12 (Night Session)

(1) No Workout, still recovering from the Day Session.

Wednesday - 10.03.12 (Day Session)

(1) Fran
     Thrusters @95 lbs.

(2) AMRAP in 15 Minutes
     8x Burpees
     8x Air Squats
     8x Pushups
     8x KB Swings @70 lbs.
     200m Run

Tuesday - 10.02.12 (Night Session)

(1) EMOM for 10 Minutes
     6x Weighted Lunges (HEAVY)

(2) AMRAP in 20 Minutes
     10x Pushups
     10x KB Swings
     200m Run


Tuesday - 10.02.12 (Day Session)

(1) Hand-Stand Pushup Ladder
     EMOM Reps (ie. 1 in the 1st minute, 2 in the 2nd minute)

(2) Fight Gone Bad
     In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round
     from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We will be doing the 5 Round
     version. The stations are:

     Goblet Squats 20 lbs. for Reps
     Push Press 75 lbs. for Reps
     Box Jumps for Reps
     Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75 lbs. for Reps
     Row for Calories

     The clock does not reset or stop between exercises.  On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must
     move to next station immediately for good score.  One point is given for each rep, except on
     the rower where each calorie is one point.

     There will be clipboards and pens out there when you arrive to do the workout.


Monday - 10.01.12 (Night Session)

(1) The Day Session was pretty taxing today, no Night Session

Great lecture on nutrition from Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit.